DataObjects.Net Extensions are small projects that extend standard functionality of DataObjects.Net core. They are maintained by Xtensive engineers and volunteers from DataObjects.Net community. Each extension has a corresponding NuGet package so they can be installed separately or in any combination. Using NuGet is a recommended way of installing the extensions.
The extensions are published on CodePlex with source code open.
The extension provides a set of IQueryable extension methods that are translated to server-side UPDATE or DELETE commands.
Add Bulk Operations package to your project.
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Count, 2)
await Query.All<Bar>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Count, 2)
.Where(a => a.Id==1)
.Set(a => a.Count, a => a.Description.Length)
await Query.All<Bar>()
.Where(a => a.Id==1)
.Set(a => a.Count, a => a.Description.Length)
// Emulating entity loading
var bar = Query.Single<Bar>(1);
.Where(a => a.Id == 2)
.Set(a => a.Bar, bar)
// Emulating entity loading
var bar = Query.Single<Bar>(1);
await Query.All<Foo>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 2)
.Set(a => a.Bar, bar)
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Bar, a => Query.Single<Bar>(1))
await Query.All<Foo>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Bar, a => Query.Single<Bar>(1))
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Bar, a => Query.All<Bar>().Single(b => b.Name == "test"))
await Query.All<Foo>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Bar, a => Query.All<Bar>().Single(b => b.Name == "test"))
bool condition = CheckCondition();
var query = Query.All()<Bar>
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Count, 2);
query = query.Set(a => a.Name, a => a.Name + "test");
bool condition = CheckCondition();
var query = Query.All()<Bar>
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Set(a => a.Count, 2);
query = query.Set(a => a.Name, a => a.Name + "test");
await query.UpdateAsync();
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.Update(a => new Bar(null) { Count = 2, Name = a.Name + "test", dozens of other properties... });
await Query.All<Bar>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
.UpdateAsync(a => new Bar(null) { Count = 2, Name = a.Name + "test", dozens of other properties... });
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
await Query.All<Foo>()
.Where(a => a.Id == 1)
The extension transparently solves a task of application or service localization. This implies that localizable resources are a part of domain model so they are stored in database.
<domain ... >
<add assembly="your assembly"/>
<add assembly="Xtensive.Orm.Localization"/>
public class Page : Entity, ILocalizable<PageLocalization>
[Field, Key]
public int Id { get; private set; }
// Localizable field. Note that it is non-persistent
public string Title
get { return Localizations.Current.Title; }
set { Localizations.Current.Title = value; }
[Field] // This is a storage of all localizations for Page class
public LocalizationSet<PageLocalization> Localizations { get; private set; }
public Page(Session session) : base(session) {}
public class PageLocalization : Localization<Page>
[Field(Length = 100)]
public string Title { get; set; }
public PageLocalization(Session session, CultureInfo culture, Page target)
: base(session, culture, target) {}
page.Title = "Welcome";
string title = page.Title;
var en = new CultureInfo("en-US");
var sp = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
var page = new Page(session);
page.Localizations[en].Title = "Welcome";
page.Localizations[sp].Title = "Bienvenido";
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
string title = page.Title; // title is "Welcome"
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
string title = page.Title; // title is "Bienvenido"
using (new LocalizationScope(new CultureInfo("en-US"))) {
string title = page.Title; // title is "Welcome"
using (new LocalizationScope(new CultureInfo("es-ES"))) {
string title = page.Title; // title is "Bienvenido"
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
var query = from p in session.Query.All<Page>()
where p.Title=="Welcome"
select p;
Assert.AreEqual(1, query.Count());
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
var query = from p in session.Query.All<Page>()
where p.Title=="Bienvenido"
select p;
Assert.AreEqual(1, query.Count());
The extension provides API for reprocessible operations. The reprocessible operation should represent a separate block of logic, usually a delegate of a method and be transactional.
Domain.Execute(session =>
// Task logic
Session is provided by reprocessing infrastructure. No session activation perfromed so use the instance you were gived by delegate.
2. Use WithSession to pass session from ouside, it this case infrastructure won’t open any session and uses yours instead. Don’t use session activation to pass session to delegate.
using (var externalSession = Domain.OpenSession()) {
.Execute(session =>
// Task logic
To indicate that a particular strategy should be used, use the following syntax:
Domain.WithStrategy(new HandleReprocessExceptionStrategy())
.Execute(session =>
// Task logic
4. To omit setting up the strategy each time consider configuring it in application configuration file, e.g.:
<section name="Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing"
type="Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing.Configuration.ConfigurationSection, Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing" />
defaultExecuteStrategy="Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing.HandleReprocessableExceptionStrategy, Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing">
Having that done, in scenarios with no strategy specified, the extension will automatically use the strategy from the configuration.
The extension provides security layer (authentication services, principals, roles, secured queries) There are 2 main parts that can also be used separately: authentication services and role-based access to domain entities
<domain ... >
<add assembly="your assembly"/>
<add assembly="Xtensive.Orm.Security"/>
<section name="Xtensive.Orm.Security" type="Xtensive.Orm.Security.Configuration.ConfigurationSection,
Xtensive.Orm.Security" />
and set up the desired hashing service:
<hashingService name="plain"/>
<!-- other options are: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 -->
public class User : GenericPrincipal
[Field, Key]
public int Id { get; private set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public User(Session session) : base(session) {}
// Creating a user
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
var user = new User(session);
user.Name = "admin";
// Authenticating a user
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
var user = session.Authenticate("admin", "password");
|- StockManagerRole
|- SalesRepresentativeRole
|- SalesManagerRole
|- SalesPresidentRole
// This is base role for all employees
[HierarchyRoot(InheritanceSchema = InheritanceSchema.SingleTable)]
public abstract class EmployeeRole : Role
[Field, Key]
public int Id { get; set; }
protected override void RegisterPermissions()
// All employees can read products
RegisterPermission(new Permission<Product>());
// All employees can read other employees
RegisterPermission(new Permission<Employee>());
protected EmployeeRole(Session session)
: base(session) {}
public class StockManagerRole : EmployeeRole
protected override void RegisterPermissions()
// Stock manager inherits Employee permissions
// Stock manager can read and write products
RegisterPermission(new Permission<Product>(canWrite:true));
public StockManagerRole(Session session)
: base(session) {}
// Create instances of roles on first domain initialization
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
new SalesRepresentativeRole(session);
new SalesManagerRole(session);
new SalesPresidentRole(session);
new StockManagerRole(session);
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
var stockManagerRole = session.Query.All<StockManagerRole>().Single();
var user = new User(session);
user.Name = "peter";
// or
using (var imContext = session.Impersonate(user)) {
// inside the region the session is impersonated with the specified
// principal and set of their roles and permissions
// Checking whether the user has a permission for reading Customer entities
imContext.Permissions.Contains<Permission<Customer>>(p => p.CanRead);
// Checking whether the user has a permission for writing to Customer entities
imContext.Permissions.Contains<Permission<Customer>>(p => p.CanWrite);
// another way
var p = imContext.Permissions.Get<Permission<Customer>>();
if (p != null && p.CanRead)
// allow doing some stuff
To end the impersonation call ImpersonationContext.Undo() or Dispose() method.
Impersonation contexts can be nested, e.g.:
using (var userContext = session.Impersonate(user)) {
// do some user-related stuff
using (var adminContext = session.Impersonate(admin)) {
// do some admin stuff
// we are still in user impersonation context
// no context here
7. Secure (restrictive) queries
A role may set up a condition that will be automatically added to any query and filters the query results, e.g.:
public class AutomobileManagerRole : EmployeeRole
private static IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomers(ImpersonationContext context, QueryEndpoint query)
return query.All<Customer>()
.Where(customer => customer.IsAutomobileIndustry);
protected override void RegisterPermissions()
// This permission tells that a principal can read/write customers
// but only those that are returned by the specified condition
RegisterPermission(new CustomerPermission(true, GetCustomers));
public AutomobileManagerRole(Session session)
: base(session) {}
Now all employees that have AutomobileManagerRole will read customers that have IsAutomobileIndustry property set to true, e.g.:
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
var automobileManagerRole = session.Query.All<AutomobileManagerRole>().Single();
var user = new User(session);
user.Name = "peter";
using (var context = session.Impersonate(user)) {
var customers = Query.All<Customer>();
// Inside the impersonation context the above-mentioned query condition
// will be added automatically so user will get only automobile customers
The extension provides tracking/auditing funtionality on Session/Domain level.
How to use
<domain ... >
<add assembly="your assembly"/>
<add assembly="Xtensive.Orm.Tracking"/>
4. Subscribe to TrackingCompleted event. After each tracked transaction is committed you receive the TrackingCompletedEventArgs object.
5. TrackingCompletedEventArgs.Changes contains a collection of ITrackingItem objects, each of them represents a set of changes that occurred to an Entity within the transaction committed.
var monitor = Domain.Services.Get<IDomainTrackingMonitor>();
monitor.TrackingCompleted += TrackingCompletedListener;
using (var session = Domain.OpenSession()) {
using (var t = session.OpenTransaction()) {
var e = new MyEntity(session);
e.Text = "some text";
private void TrackingCompletedListener(object sender, TrackingCompletedEventArgs e)
foreach (var change in e.Changes) {
foreach (var value in change.ChangedValues) {
The extension adds integration for DataObjects.Net and ASP.NET Core. NOTE, that SessionManager class is deprecated. We strongly recommend not to use SessionManager because it, it does not keep up with current trends.
New types use more natural mechanisms of ASP.NET Core such as Pipeline, dependancy injection (DI) and Action filters. It instead of static access to session by using Session.Current, it is designed to provide a session instance directly.
The extension contains two ways of integration - by using Action Filters or by using Middleware. Both are available for ASP.Net MVC applications, Rasor Pages have to use only middleware.
The extension contains SessionActionFilter class. This filter opens Session and TransacionScope before an action executed, puts them to request’s HttpContext and provides you a SessionAccessor instance which is capable of getting the objects from the context. When action is completed, the action filter removes Session and TransactionScope instances from the context and disposes them.
SessionActionFilter can be registered as action filter in Startup class like so:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var domain = Domain.Build();
services.AddSingleton<Domain>(domain);// make domain accessible as service in action filter
services.AddDataObjectsSessionAccessor();// adds SessionAccessor as scoped service
services.AddControllersWithViews(options => options.Filters.AddDataObjectsSessionActionFilter());
After that you use it like so:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;
// This action require Session and TransactionScope because it
// has SessionAccessor as parameter. So the action filter will open them.
public IActionResult Index([FromServices] SessionAccessor sessionAccessor)
// DO NOT dispose them within action because the action filter
// controlls them.
var session = sessionAccessor.Session;
var transactionScope = sessionAccessor.TransactionScope;
// some query to database
var someQuery = session.Query.All<SomeEntity>().ToList()
return View();
// This action does not require Session and TransactionScope
// to be opened. In this case filter won't do any work - neither Session
// nor TransactionScope will be opened.
public IActionResult Privacy()
return View();
public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger)
_logger = logger;
Notice [FromServices] attribute for parameter, it is required.
The filter has an ability to skip openings if action does not require them. So the action filter gives you access to database when only you declare you need it.
By default, the filter completes the opened transaction scope unless an exception has appeared. It was done so to mimic the work of obsolete SessionManager which also completes transaction scope by default. If you want to change default behavior you can create your own filter based on ours and override CompleteTransactionOnException method and define what exceptions will not rollback transaction.
All the methods you can override:
The methods are called in the same order.
The extension also has OpenSessionMiddleware class. The key feature of action filter is also its drawback - it wraps only MVC action. If wider coverage needed then it’s better to use middleware because it can wrap not only MVC action calls but also controller’s constructor calls and other middleware which are defined down the pipeline.
To confure your app to use OpenSessionMiddleware, first, configure services in Startup class like so:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var domain = Domain.Build();
services.AddSingleton<Domain>(domain); // to have domain be accessible
//infrastructure will create SessionAccessor instance
//for each request.
Then, put OpenSessionMiddleware to desired place in the pipeline like so:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// ...
// any other middlewhare,
// they will have access to
// opened session
// ...
.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
After that you can specify SessionAccessor as a parameter in MVC controllers’ constructors, actions. The SessionOpener will open Session and TransactionScope on going forward and dispose them on going backwards the pipeline.
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;
public IActionResult Index([FromServices] SessionAccessor sessionAccessor)
var session = sessionAccessor.Session;
var transactionScope = sessionAccessor.TransactionScope;
// some query to database
var someQuery = session.Query.All<SomeEntity>().ToList()
return View();
public IActionResult Privacy()
return View();
public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, SessionAccessor accessor)
_logger = logger;
Other middleware can get access to session like so:
public class SomeCustomMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
// Dependancy Injection mechansims will provide accessor
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, SessionAccessor sessionAccessor)
// perform some actions before next middleware
await next.Invoke(httpContext);
// some actions after execution returned
public SomeCustomMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
{ = next
As the action filter above it completes transaction scope by default unless an exception happens. It also re-throw the exception by default.
OpenSessionMiddleware is customizable as well. It has similar CompleteTransactionOnException method to control what exceptions will not rollback transaction. Additionally, RethrowException method allows to define what exceptions should be “swallowed”.
Besides these two methods the class contains following virtual methods:
OpenSessionMiddleware and SessionActionFilter will work together just fine. If the action filter detects that Session and TransactionScope have already been opended by the middleware it will not open another one and let the middleware be in charge.